Demolition Tenders

Demolition tenders not only provide your business with the opportunity to earn large contracts but are also the gateway for economic growth in the country. But obtaining large-scale contract opportunities for demolition works isn't always an easy process.

Tracker offers the tools and insights you need to find and bid for these coveted demolition contracts.

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Demolition of Existing Community Hall

Ionad Pobail Lios Póil CTR on behalf of CLG Lios Poil

The demolition of the existing Community Hall and the construction of a new community hall and dressing rooms

Demolition of the North Wing

Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust

Background to the requirement - The purpose of this procurement exercise is to appoint a Principal Contractor to undertake a project to demolish the remainder of the 1940’s “RUH North estate” following the completion of the new Cancer Centre. The buildings have outlived their working life and are now vacant....

Framework - Bridge - Site Media - Short Deadline


Skanska Infrastructure (Rail)

The Awarding Authority is undertaking the replacement of a rail bridge over the the specified location. To undertake the project a new bridge will be constructed within the site compound adjacent to M6 motorway and driven into position using SPMT's during a weekend blockade of the M6 motorway, the existing...

Framework - Bridge - Miscellaneous Steelwork


Skanska Infrastructure (Rail)

The Awarding Authority is undertaking the replacement of a rail bridge over the the specified location. To undertake the project a new bridge will be constructed within the site compound adjacent to M6 motorway. This opportunity is for the supply and installation of miscellaneous steelwork/ GRP this will consist of...

United Kingdom-Bromley: Bellegrove Main Works Contractor


London Borough of Bromley

Works to undertake the construction of the Bellegrove Housing Project, including demolition of 100 Mickleham Road and redevelopment of the site to provide new affordable and supported living dwellings together with associated car parking, cycle parking, landscaping and other associated works. The proposed development is for the delivery of a...

What are Demolition Tenders?

When public sector bodies need to provision services like demolition works, they will publish an Invitation to Tender (ITT) inviting businesses to apply for demolition tenders.

Unlike a regular contract, these public tenders have more requirements than simply submitting a quote. There are official criteria that need to be met and your response needs to demonstrate that your demolition business has the capability to deliver.

Demolition business opportunities can involve:

  • establishing a site boundary

  • the completion of a site clearance

  • breaking down existing buildings and old highways and roads in preparation of a new build project

  • removal of demolished building debris

  • strip out works and demolition work that maintains the building foundations

Tracker is the only business intelligence solution in the market that provides a holistic portfolio of demolition contract tendering tools to help you gain access to and win tenders.

Let Tracker help you secure government contracts for demolition tenders in the public and private sectors.

Tracker uses email alerts to notify you about new business opportunities and offers market-leading tools and insights to help you find more demolition tenders.

Why Bid for a Demolition Tender?

Bidding for demolition tenders can provide your business with a host of advantages, including:

  • A tender award offers your business a stable source of income for a set period of time. Most tenders are large-scale and often long-term projects, which means financial stability to potentially expand your business, services or equipment.

  • Whether for a site clearance for a council car park or a complete building demolition, tenders enhance your reputation when added to your portfolio and scope of work. A diverse portfolio of work showcases future buyers that your business is capable and trustworthy.

  • Successful bids with major public sector bodies for demolition and construction work can lead to potential long-term partnerships and repeat business opportunities.

To bid for active demolition contracts for tender, you need a comprehensive procurement solution. Tracker uses market-leading technology and procurement solutions to identify demolition tender business opportunities quickly and to give you the edge when bidding.

Sign up for a free trial today to explore how Tracker can help you find and secure more demolition project tenders.

Finding Demolition Tender Opportunities in the Public Sector

The construction and demolition industry is highly competitive, which is why finding high-quality government contracts for demolition tenders can be difficult.

Enter Tracker: Your new partner for finding and winning demolition bid opportunities.

Our comprehensive database of contracts and portfolio of intelligence tools can be tailored to the construction and demolition industry, providing you with access to everything you need to apply for and secure these high-value tenders with government buyers.

Demolition Tenders Opportunities in the UK

The United Kingdom is constantly evolving, which means there will always be a need for demolition works. As towns and cities in England and the rest of the UK grow, demolition tenders are plentiful — but winning these tenders becomes complicated.

Tracker’s procurement tools are developed for your industry to ensure that you not only have access to UK demolition jobs for bid, but also have everything you need to put a winning proposal together.

No matter where your location in the UK is, you can find new business opportunities in your area and submit strong demolition bid proposals, all with Tracker.

Discover Tracker’s procurement tools to secure your next big demolition contract with a public sector organisation.

How to Win Demolition Contracts with Tracker

Just like any demolition project, applying for tenders requires precision, accuracy, and patience. Tracker’s intelligence services and procurement solutions are designed to give your demolition company the best chance of winning any notice type published for the services your offer.

From small council jobs to large government contracts, Tracker offers the training, tools and support needed to ensure that your next bid for demolition work is in line with requirements and stands out from your competitors.

Tracker's Procurement Tools

Our tools are specifically designed to help you at every stage of the tender process, provide updated insights, and bolster your demolition bids.

Tools that the demolition and construction sector can benefit from include:

  • Tender Alerts: Get daily updates and access to a global database of demolition tenders available in the UK, Scotland and Europe — straight to your inbox.

  • Award Data: Discover which of your competitors have been awarded past tenders and what you can do to be successful in your next bid on demolition jobs.

  • Market Intelligence: Get insights on the latest industry developments and competitor movements within the demolition and construction industry to make informed and strategic decisions.

  • Bid Manager: Streamline your procurement process with a single, collaborative dashboard that allows you to manage your demolition tender documents and bids in one location.

  • Spend Analysis: Keep your strategies up to date with our Spend Analysis tool, which offers insights into current market trends and buyer spending habits.

We offer additional tools like Procurement Consultancy, Opportunity Search, and DPS & Frameworks to further streamline the tendering process and help you acquire more UK demolition contract opportunities.

Find, bid for, and win more demolition contracts with Tracker. Explore our packages and sign up for a free trial.

Tracker — Europe's Largest Database of Demolition Tenders

Tracker is a leader in the tender procurement industry and a flagship product of BiP Solutions – renowned in Europe as the largest provider of eSourcing services. Together, we have built a platform that makes acquiring demolition tenders easier and more efficient than ever.

Choose Tracker to Secure Building Tenders & Demolition Tenders in the UK

We provide the intelligence tools you need to gain the edge when bidding for government demolition contracts.

Take advantage of our national directory of public sector contracts for demolition jobs and other construction tenders in the public and private sectors with our Commercial Projects tool and start winning more bids today.

Start your free trial with Tracker and start winning demolition tenders in the UK and beyond.