Local Authority Tenders

In 2023 the UK public sector spend throughout the UK, including central government and local authorities, is expected to be around £1,057 billion. Tracker Intelligence gives your business access to more of these local authority tenders.

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United Kingdom-Guildford: Highways & Footways Weed Treatment


Guildford Borough Council

Guildford Borough Council is seeking to appoint a single contractor to undertake the highways and footways weed treatment in local authority areas of Guildford Borough Council and Waverley Borough Council, and for noxious/injurious weed treatment across the county of Surrey. The contract shall be for a period of three (3)...

United Kingdom-Kirkwall: Orkney Community Wind Farms (OCWF) - Balance of Plant Contract


Orkney Islands Council

Orkney Islands Council (OIC) is developing Orkney Community Wind Farms, comprising two windfarms in the Orkney Islands. Quanterness wind farm, located on Mainland Orkney (Northwest of Kirkwall), consisting of six circa 4.8 MW Wind Turbine Generators. Faray wind farm, located on the uninhabited island of Faray in the North isles,...

United Kingdom-London: Collection and Recycling of Mattresses from LondonEnergy Sites


LondonEnergy wish to invite prospective suppliers to bid for the collection, treatment and recycling of the following service and/material streams: Mattresses 20 03 07 for a contract period of 2 years, with option to extend for 2 additional years on an annual basis (2+1+1). Contract commencement date: September 2025 The...

United Kingdom-London: Collection and Recycling of Mattresses from LondonEnergy Sites


LondonEnergy wish to invite prospective suppliers to bid for the collection, treatment and recycling of the following service and/material streams: Mattresses 20 03 07 for a contract period of 2 years, with option to extend for 2 additional years on an annual basis (2+1+1). Contract commencement date: September 2025 The...

United Kingdom-Hemel Hempstead: Online Sexual Health Services (SBS10255)

N H S Shared Business Services

NHS Shared Business Services act in an Agency capacity for and on behalf of its customers (Approved Organisations) - existing and new. These comprise of NHS and Social Care organisations (whether acting individually, or on behalf of, or together as members of any consortia) along with any other public or...

Opportunities to win local authority tenders

Pensions (£169.4 billion), Health Care (£213.5 billion), Education (£101.7 billion) and Defence (£57.7 billion). Local authorities must follow budgets set by the local department in central government, so any opportunity to win work from other authorities offers a valuable revenue stream.

In association with governments globally, we give procurement agencies and suppliers access to local authority contracts using tendering intelligence services and alerts to find, bid for, and win local council tenders. We use our experience, data insights, and connections with local authorities in the UK and globally to help both sides work together.

Tracker Intelligence offers services trusted by governments worldwide to help improve and comply with their procurement process and capabilities while gaining access to new business opportunities. We work in partnership with ALL major government departments and purchasing authorities and help thousands of suppliers of all shapes and sizes to win local government contracts.

How can Tracker Intelligence help?

Tracker Intelligence helps commissioners and procurement professionals in the public sector save time and money.

Our range of products and services is specifically designed to help public sector organisations engage earlier, be more competitive, and sell more effectively.


As specialists in local government procurement, we have:

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Tracker Intelligence provides the information and support you need to access new local authority tender opportunities and win more local council contracts.

Contact Tracker Intelligence to find out how our services & products can help you win more tenders in local government today.


Who are we?

From publishing the first national directory of public sector contracts, to being the first to market with our online Tracker solution, we have been the true pioneers of technology and innovation in the public sector marketplace. Throughout our 39 years, we have continued to evolve and chart new territory – placing our customers at the heart of everything we do. Take your business to the next level with Tracker now.