A recent study has predicted that by 2030* “automation, robotics and self-diagnosis” will be at the forefront of modern healthcare.
If this is the case, the NHS and private hospitals across the UK will be investing heavily in IT over the next ten years, rebuilding healthcare services around the Internet of Things (IoT).
We discuss the future of healthcare contracts and where government spend will be placed below.
Digital Healthcare
The latest technologies are becoming more widely introduced into day-to-day practice by the private sector, so why wouldn’t the NHS start to rebuild their services around the Internet of Things (IoT)?
It has been predicted that technological improvements could double healthcare professionals’ free time as patients will have more interaction with tools such as sensors and cameras. It has also been revealed that in the future patients could receive a diagnosis from robotic devices before they are even introduced to a nurse or doctor.
If the NHS wants a smarter environment, then it will need to procure healthcare contracts with innovative technology suppliers that will help the government to transform the NHS.
Innovative Technology
Already, the government is investing in modern technology and digital for the healthcare sector. Hospitals are starting to introduce automation during the check-in stage. However, this is in the very early stages of implementation.
By 2030, technology could be introduced that will assess patient temperature, heart and respiratory rate as they walk into a hospital.
This will not only reduce the need for physical resource and administration but it could also improve waiting times and service, as healthcare professionals will have more time to focus on care.
Interested in working with the NHS on projects like this? Find out more about healthcare contracts.
Cyber Security
Cyber security is another focus which IT suppliers could benefit from. After last year’s WannaCry attack, it appears that the NHS has a long way to go in terms of cyber security.
In 2017, 6900 NHS appointments were cancelled because of the WannaCry attack and 88 of the affected NHS Trusts did not have required cyber security standards in place.
At the end of last year, it was revealed that the NHS would partner with a private sector business to support the Security Operations Centre development and improve NHS Digital’s cyber security capabilities for health and care service users – this contract valued at £20 million.
One year on from WannaCry and some NHS trusts are still failing cyber assessments as some refuse to remove older systems – one of the main reasons the NHS is vulnerable to WannaCry. The Department of Health has said that they still “have a lot of work to do to improve cyber-security for when, and not if, there is another attack” which means that there could potentially be further opportunities in this area.
IT Spend 2018
Across all Government departments, the biggest buyer of IT contracts between December 2017 and March 2018 was the Department of Health. Media & Marketing Solutions reports* that two contracts have been awarded valued at £1,890,130,000 and £1,659,000,000. This money will be spent on equipment, systems and services. In the same period, the NHS awarded contracts worth £340,000,000, indicating that the health sector is an area offering multiple opportunities to companies in the IT sector.
All public sector spend data is released under the Government’s Transparency Agenda, meaning your organisation can research the spend of public sector bodies like NHS trusts.
If you would like to access this spend and see where the opportunities lie in the healthcare market, our Spend Analysis tool can help you to discover if your competitors are winning these healthcare contracts.
Try our spend analysis tool today.
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* https://www.information-age.com/healthcare-digitised-2030-123471423/
* The Changing Shape of Public Sector, Media & Marketing Solutions