Legal Tenders

Legal tenders in the public sector provide government organisations with access to reliable legal advice and services that could range from employment law and intellectual property law to public procurement law.

Tracker's procurement tools can help you stay one step ahead of the competition and secure more of these valuable legal tender opportunities in the public sector.

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Legal Services

Centre for Digital Public Services

The Awarding Authority is seeking an external supplier to provide legal advice encompassing employment and HR law as may be necessary. The supplier shall also be required to provide general legal support relating to contract law, public sector law, data protection law and corporate law.

United Kingdom-Stirling: Microscopy & Imaging Equipment


APUC Limited

The Authority are seeking Contractor(s) for the provision of Microscopes and Imaging Equipment including Associated Servicing, Maintenance and Repairs for the Further and Higher education sector in the UK. Lotting structure will be determined at the later stage.

United Kingdom-London: SEL ICB Greenwich Community Musculoskeletal (MSK) Service


NHS South East London ICB

NHS Southeast London Integrated Care Board (SEL ICB) is seeking to commission Community Musculoskeletal (MSK ) Services for Greenwich. The MSK Community Service will play a vital role in supporting Greenwich in delivering its strategy to improve patient experience and health outcomes while optimising referral pathways. This service will manage...

United Kingdom-Prescot: Fleet Contract Hire


Livv Maintenance (part of Livv Housing Group)

Livv Maintenance (part of Livv Housing Group) is seeking bids from suppliers for the supply of approximately 110-120 vehicles on a contract hire basis to replace the current fleet of vehicles used by the in-house maintenance team.

United Kingdom-Belfast: CT0149 - Professional Services in relation to Multi Element Improvement Works in Lower Ormeau Road, Belfast.


Northern Ireland Housing Executive

To appoint a suitably qualified and competent multi-disciplinary team to carry out services including, but not limited to survey, management of works on site, through to agreement of final account and defects period, in relation to MEI Works for Lower Ormeau Road, Belfast.

What are Legal Tenders?

A legal tender or legal services tender is an invitation to law firms and legal professionals to bid for upcoming work. Legal tenders in the public sector are typically issued by public authorities such as government departments, local councils, and public bodies when they require legal services.

Legal services tenders can vary, but some of the most common involve:

  • Debt recovery

  • Property

  • Legal technology

  • Commercial infrastructure projects

  • Employment & HR

  • Litigation, reparation, and inquiries

When government organisations require legal services, they will publish a tender notice. This contract notice will provide suppliers with relevant information about the tender, such as the type of legal services required, the length of the contract, and the submission deadline.

Public tenders for legal services are published on various tender portals, including Find a Tender Service (FTS), Contracts Finder, Tenders Electronic Daily (TED), and Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU).

Tracker helps companies and organisations of all sizes and industries find & win legal tenders relevant to their business. Sign up for a 3-day free trial today to see how it can help you.

Tracker uses email alerts to notify you about new business opportunities and offers market-leading tools and insights to help you find more legal tenders.

Why Bid for Legal Tenders?

Bidding for tenders in the public legal sector can be extremely lucrative and offer numerous benefits for businesses of all sizes and niches.

One of the biggest benefits of tendering for legal contracts in the public sector is that winning a legal tender from a public organisation or government department guarantees your business work for the duration of the contract, which means a guaranteed income and job security.

Actively bidding on tenders for legal services also allows suppliers to build relationships with important key stakeholders and important decision makers within the legal public sector. This can help you expand your network of industry contacts, which can help you gain access to valuable future legal tenders.

Winning legal tenders in the public sector can also enhance your visibility and reputation, which can give you an edge over your competitors because you will be seen as a credible supplier.

Increase your chances of tendering success with Tracker — request a free personalised demo today.

Finding Legal Services Tenders in the Public Sector

Public sector bodies such as government organisations and local authorities rely on the provision of legal services from private companies to carry out their duties. With these organisations regularly seeking out legal services ranging from contract law and litigation to regulatory compliance and legislative advice, new tendering opportunities are published regularly that may be perfect for your business.

Legal Tender Opportunities in the UK

The tendering opportunities in the legal public sector cover an extensive range of legal services and areas of expertise, but these are some of the most common tenders you may find:

  • Legal Advice and Consultancy Tenders: Government organisations often require these services for matters involving contracts, regulatory compliance, employment, and intellectual property. These tendering opportunities may be for one off projects or long term contracts.

  • Procurement and Contracting Tenders: Government bodies may release tenders for the provision of legal support related to their procurement processes and contract negotiations. This can include drafting & reviewing contracts or advice on procurement regulations and compliance.

  • Litigation and Dispute Resolution Tenders: Various government departments often look for these services when they need to obtain representation for court proceedings or to get reliable legal advice on alternative dispute resolution methods such as mediation.

  • Legislative Drafting Tenders: Government organisations may call on the services and expertise of legal firms to assist with creating, amending, and reviewing legislation drafts. These tenders can include the drafting of new laws and regulations.

Submitting Winning Bid Proposals for Public Tenders

There are several ways to increase your chances of compiling a winning bid response and tendering successfully. Ensuring you understand the needs and requirements of the buyer and demonstrating how your company can meet them is key to getting the buyer’s attention.

Ensure you submit an easy to read bid proposal that gives the buyer detailed information on how you will fulfil the tender requirements, your company’s expertise and experience, and how your services offer value for money. Buyers often show interest in suppliers who can not only meet their needs and requirements but also provide added value, such as cost saving measures and innovative systems that improve efficiency.

While this may be common knowledge, it is important to remember that submitting your tender response by the specified deadline is crucial. Ensure you are aware of the submission deadline and give yourself enough time to prepare a suitable response so as not to risk automatic disqualification.

Easily gain access to lucrative tendering opportunities for your business with Tracker. Request a free personalised demo or a 3-day trial today.

How to Win Legal Tenders Contracts with Tracker

Ready to start finding and winning more valuable legal tenders that can help your business grow?

Tracker helps businesses of all sizes easily find public tenders in England and the rest of the United Kingdom & Europe. Working alongside both suppliers and buyers for almost 40 years, we understand the challenges they face and what they need for procurement success in the public sector.

Our procurement tools & services are trusted by governments worldwide as we partner and work with all major government contracting authorities and departments.

Tracker's Procurement Tools

As procurement experts, Tracker is the only single business intelligence tool that can provide you with public sector contracts and private sector leads coupled with market and competitor insights.

We offer a carefully curated selection of procurement services and tools that can help you engage early, be more competitive, and submit more winning bids.

Here are a few of the ways Tracker can help your firm take control of the tender application process:

  • Bid Manager: Completely unique to Tracker, our Bid Manager tool allows you to store your tender documents and track your bids from one centralised location. This procurement tool provides a complete audit trail, so you won’t struggle with lost paperwork ever again.

  • Market Intelligence: Our industry leading Market Intelligence tool allows you to track the competitor landscape within the legal sector so you can easily identify new legal service tenders and make informed decisions based on relevant market insights.

  • Award Data: Learn from past legal tenders to be better prepared for those that are upcoming with our Award Data tool. With access to historical data, you can gain helpful insights into what other legal service providers in your field have done in the past to secure high value tenders.

  • Tender Alerts: Be the first to know about new tendering opportunities as soon as they are published with personalised daily tender alert emails. With widespread coverage of global tenders and real time updates from major tender portal feeds, you’ll never miss notices for new tenders again.

  • Spend Analysis: Discover who your competitors are winning tenders with, identify new buyer spending patterns, and find new potential tendering opportunities to streamline your bidding and target your market more effectively with Spend Analysis.

  • Procurement Consultancy: With trusted advice from one of our procurement experts, you can boost your chances of bidding success. From bid preparation and review to support and what to avoid, our procurement consultants can ensure you have all the information you need to get ahead.

Position your business for tendering success with our industry leading procurement tools. Sign up for a free Tracker trial today or get in touch to find out more about our services.

Find, Bid For & Win More Legal Services Tenders with Tracker

Tracker offers an extensive range of procurement tools and services specifically designed to help suppliers tender in the public sector. Using our holistic portfolio of tendering tools, we have helped thousands of suppliers secure more tendering opportunities. Sign up today and let us help you find & win more tenders.

Improve Your Procurement Process with Tracker

Ensuring you are up to date with procurement best practices is an important part of submitting winning proposals. As a Tracker member, you receive discounts on online procurement training in partnership with PASS Procurement. Whether you are new to public procurement and are looking for a general overview of the public procurement process or you are an experienced supplier wanting to better your submissions, these courses can help you at any stage of the procurement process.

The right legal tenders are just a click away with Tracker’s procurement tools. Sign up for a free 3-day trial or request a personalised demo today to set your business up for success.