Private Tenders

Organisations from the private sector provide essential services that other organisations, governmental and private, need. Tracker Intelligence connects these buyers and suppliers. Find and win private tenders to grow your organisation with Tracker.

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United Kingdom-Sunderland: Dynamic Purchasing System for small vehicles, mini buses and coaches

Sunderland City Council

Sunderland City Council is seeking to establish a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for the provision of small vehicles, mini buses and coach hire.

United Kingdom-Bromley: Bellegrove Main Works Contractor


London Borough of Bromley

Works to undertake the construction of the Bellegrove Housing Project, including demolition of 100 Mickleham Road and redevelopment of the site to provide new affordable and supported living dwellings together with associated car parking, cycle parking, landscaping and other associated works. The proposed development is for the delivery of a...

United Kingdom-London: National AI Tender for frontier AI companies to support agentic AI powered GOV.UK Chat - Pre Market Engagement

Department for Science, Innovation & Technology

The Department for Science Innovation and Technology (“DSIT”) is committed to leveraging frontier Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) technologies to transform how citizens interact with government services. Our vision is for a fully integrated, AI-powered, personalised GOV.UK experience for citizens. DSIT intends to encourage frontier AI companies to collaborate with us in...

United Kingdom-Reading: Security Patrol and Response



Thames Water intends to award an Agreement to a single supplier for a dedicated security patrol and response service to improve our protective security, particularly for our critical assets, and ensure compliance with associated industry regulations such as SEMD (Security & Emergency Measures Direction) and PSG (Protective Security Guidance). To...

United Kingdom-London: LBLA Legal Services Framework


London Borough of Haringey

The London Boroughs' Legal Alliance (the LBLA) is looking to appoint a number of legal advisers with the objective of achieving enhanced service delivery, value for money and efficient management of matters outsourced to external solicitors. The requirement is divided in 5 Lots. The Authority intends to appoint: 8 suppliers...

Find relevant private sector tenders with Tracker Intelligence

Procurement is a lucrative marketplace for private sector suppliers and governmental services, such as the NHS and MOD, who look to the private sector to find the right suppliers who can provide the services they need. These supplying organisations in turn need to procure goods, works and services to fulfil these private sector tenders according to specific requirements.

There are valuable private sector contracts to be won in industries such as:

With comprehensive coverage of contracts and intelligence across the private sector, Tracker Intelligence helps private sector procurement professionals find and access new opportunities that are relevant to their business goals.

Tracker Intelligence is quick to publish private sector tenders as soon as they become available so you can have the edge over your competitors in the bidding and tendering process.

Our tendering technology solution provides the leads on new tender opportunities so you can focus on winning contracts and private sector bid opportunities.

Supply chain contract opportunities

Private tenders have fewer regulations you need to comply with compared to government contracts. This makes it a great starting place for smaller companies looking to grow.

Supply chain opportunities arise from private companies winning larger public sector contracts that they cannot fulfil alone. They need to then outsource certain goods or services to smaller subcontractors, for which they require private sector tenders of their own.

Unlike with the public sector tender process, there is no legal requirement to publish a private sector tender so that it is open to all. Each company has its own procurement policy and the minimum criteria of the private sector tender will be based on this.

When it comes to how to find private sector tenders in the UK and beyond, Tracker Intelligence is experienced in assisting the different sectors with their respective needs. We can help with everything from the tender bid to the intelligence resources needed to win contracts.

Sign up for a free trial to give yourself the edge in the tendering process with government and non-government tenders.

Stand out to private sector buyers

Whether you’re aiming to win a public or private sector contract, it is imperative to differentiate yourself from the competition.

With our business intelligence technology providing crucial market information and analysis for you to strategically use, you can be one step ahead of your competitors at winning tenders.

Tracker Intelligence’s experience and advanced range of products ensure that you can be proactive and confident in your endeavours to secure private sector tender opportunities.

Bid Manager is a bid management tool developed by Tracker Intelligence to improve the efficiency of your public sector tendering process. You can use the tool to create and manage bids for any tender notices that you’re interested in.

How Tracker Intelligence can help

Finding tendering opportunities in the private sector starts with having access to the right tendering intelligence and being able to make smarter, faster and more informed decisions. With that in hand, winning private sector contracts is the natural next step.

Private sector tender portals like Tracker make it easy for you to find and access new tendering opportunities for private sector tenders at the click of a button.

Sign up for a free trial and see how Tracker Intelligence can help you with procurement process today

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