Procurement Act 2023 FAQs

What is the key information I need to be aware of?

  • Official name of the act is ‘Procurement Act 2023’.
  • Go live date is 24th February 2025.
  • Act includes two main changes which form the Central Digital Platform (CDP):
    • Buyer/supplier registration service
    • New notice types
  • Existing Frameworks/DPSs may run until 23rd February 2029 while following the current rules, as will all call-off contracts from them.

Supplier CDP Registration

Does my supplier organisation need to do anything with the CDP?

As part of the Procurement Act 2023, all suppliers to the public sector and organisations bidding for work with the public sector are required to register on the CDP. Suppliers will be required to do this as they respond to any opportunities. 

When can I register on the CDP?

Supplier registration can take place from 24th February 2025 onwards.

How do I register on the CDP?

The Government Commercial Function has released guidance on how to do this. The web page below contains how-to videos and documentation which explain the process: