
Can Google’s dominance still help boost your business opportunities?

The European Commission is preparing to formally accuse Google of unfair business practices in a case which could have massive implications for businesses across the globe. In this blog, Tracker looks at how this might translate into greater competition and more opportunities for your business.

Google is now so synonymous with online searching it has become its own verb in the dictionary, but the case being brought against the online giant is proving that market dominance can have its downsides.

The European Commission has sent a Statement of Objections to Google alleging that the company has abused its position in the market by unfairly favouring its own products in its general search results pages.

Competition and innovation

The Commission believes that, by doing so, Google is stifling competition, harming other businesses, discouraging innovation and misleading consumers.

With an estimated 90% share of EU-based Internet searches, Google is the main route to market for web-based businesses in the EU. If they are forced to change how they display their search results, it could reshape the marketplace for years to come.

By changing the way search results are displayed and which products or services are being promoted, businesses which previously had to compete for prime position on Google searches with Google themselves could get a much better chance of reaching their potential customers and promoting their brand.

The case is also a prime example of how seriously the European Commission is about encouraging greater competition in the marketplace and ensuring firms are getting a fair opportunity to succeed.

Keep reading: Learn more about the recent changes to the Public Procurement Regulations in Europe and how they’ll affect your business

Greater competition means more opportunities for businesses like yours, so you need to be ready to not only find more business, but win it too.

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