Our advisors are often asked questions about public sector frameworks. Below we have answered some of the most frequently asked questions about this aspect of public procurement.
What are framework agreements?
Public sector bodies (sometimes referred to as Public Buying Organisations – PBOs) set up framework agreements with suppliers for goods and services that they require. When setting up a framework, PBOs must take certain factors into account e.g. price, quality and quantity. Suppliers tender to be awarded a place on the framework; once the framework is set up, no new suppliers can be added.
When a public sector body that is a member of the framework requires these goods or services they can then order (or ‘call off’) from this framework. A mini-competition between framework suppliers will happen to identify the best supplier for the requirements.
What is a direct award?
Direct awarding can occur if the public sector framework allows the customer to purchase directly from a supplier within a lot without the process going to mini-competition.
What is a catalogue order?
Certain frameworks allow catalogue order. A catalogue is an electronic database/list of products that can be accessed via an eProcurement tool.
There are different ways this can be done – either by “punch-out” or a static upload.
Catalogue order can be different every time as the product list is determined by the contract and can be limited by product, category or sub-category.
Why do buyers use frameworks?
Alongside competitive pricing, there are a number of reasons why public sector bodies use frameworks, one of the main being that it is best practice procurement, as participating suppliers can be carefully evaluated before they are awarded a place on the framework.
What are the benefits of public sector frameworks to suppliers?
Frameworks also benefit suppliers, although being awarded a place on a framework does not guarantee future work. The main benefit to suppliers of being awarded a place on a framework is that when a public sector organisation ‘calls off’ or runs a mini-competition between suppliers, the buyers do not need to go through all procedural steps in the EU Public Procurement Directives because the suppliers have been fully evaluated to win their place on the framework. This speeds the buying process up and the contract can be awarded to the chosen supplier sooner rather than later.
How can Tracker help?
We are the only business intelligence solution that provides a complete portfolio of tendering tools that will help your business win public sector customers.
Our Tender Alerts service will give you access to recurrent and fresh framework leads as well as public sector contract and award notices, pipelines, and private sector leads.
To find out more about the service that we offer, book a free demo with a member of the Tracker team today.